Saturday, September 14, 2019

So far so good!!!

It has been a great second week of school! 

Routines are going smoothly.
We are starting to get our routines down as we have visited the music room and met our music teacher, Dr.Grant. We have also gone to the library where we met our school Librarian, Mrs. McGee. (We have our library bags now too!) We have also met Mr.Orique, who comes out with us for outdoor play. We even had our first fire drill the other day and our students did a great job!

We have explored our room, learned to tidy up and play well, made two crafts for our bulletin boards, and played in the gym and outside. Your child now knows what to do on entry in the morning, is able to wash their hands, get out their snack and make decisions as to what to eat. They can repack and put their lunch bag in the proper spot for lunch pick up and can repack their lunch bag into their knapsack independently.  It is a wonder!!!

Circle Time Books
This is your second week with the Circle Time Books. I hope you are enjoying the time you’re spending with your child. Please feel free to review other songs or poems that your child enjoyed previously. One fun activity we are doing with these poems and songs is finding rhyming words, and finding common sight words. We make it fun and give them strategies for finding them.  Already I’ve had a JK student show me the word ‘you’ in a different chart than we learned it! It’s pretty exciting. Don’t forget to sign the pages your child reads to you… they will get a prize for reading this book to you on a weekly basis.

Learning learning learning.
It's only been two weeks and already we have talked about graphing, and have been learning how to use words such as "more, least, less than, more than, and equal" when talking about our results. Through art and math we are discovering and identifying our hair colors, eyes, and what makes us look the same and different from our peers as we are all the same yet different. 

Calendar/Number of School Days
Everyday we practice the names for the days of the week and count to the next number on the calendar. We also make a chart to keep track of the number of days we’ve been in school.  On Monday it will be 10 days!!! That’s pretty exciting!

Terry Fox Walk and Pledges
By now you'll have gotten a pledge sheet in your red folders.  When you are done filling out your sheet please send it back to school so we can collect it and send it to the coordinators. They won't be due until after Thanksgiving. The Kindergarten classes will be walking a much different path from the rest of the school so we invite you to walk with your child as we walk around the school.

Snuggle Up and Read Program
By now everyone in the class has their Snuggle Up and Read zip lock bag and recording book. Instruction are pretty clear on the bag, (I hope) Let me know if you have any questions or would like to see how I would do a reading session with your child to maximize learning and keep them interested. Please read every night, record the book with your child in the recording booklet and return it to school the next day. At school your child will exchange their book and put it in their knap sack to read again that night.
One thing that might fill up that recording book is that you can write down all the books you read to your child and all the books your child reads. Remember your child will get a prize when they fill up their recording book. They will get a new recording book after that. We usually have plastic medals for students who finish 4 recording books... 100 books and other prizes for 150 and 200.

Class Schedule
As you probably know, our school is run on a 5 day cycle. There are certain activities we do on each day. You’ve been notified about Library days but I will send you an email telling you which day your child has library as the students are divided into two groups. For now just return the library book when you are finished reading it. I have posted a daily schedule at the entry/exit door so parents know what is happening and what day it is. Please feel free to peek in to take a look.

Number and Colour Groups
Every year I organize students into 5 groups. Each group has 5-6 students in it, with an equal amount of juniors and seniors. There are many activities I plan in the class that revolve around the student groups. Often students groups rotate through 5 different language and math activities a week. This year we are using the colour groups, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Your child might remember which group they are in and what number group that is but if you want to make sure, just check their book bag for the star colour, or their books as it’s on them.

Class helpers and Show and Tell.
For one day a week your child will have the opportunity to be a special helper and to stand in front of the class to tell us about themselves or tell us a story. Your child’s show and tell day number is the same day as their group number. So if your child is in group 1 then they are special helpers on day 1 and present their show and tell that day. Ok so some show and tell rules. Your child can bring in something they have made- a picture, craft etc, they can bring in something they have a story about – a stuffed animal they love or a photo of something or someone, and your child can tell us a story about something they’ve experienced, a book they’ve read or had read to them etc.. The only no… is toys. Please do not let your child choose to bring in a toy for show and tell. I will not be able to let them present it, which might cause tears. The reason? I don’t want show and tell to become a “Who’s got the best toys?” event.Your child will learn to ask and answer questions during this activity. We will focus on questions that start with Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.  Please help your child to know the answers to possible questions so they will be successful. This Show and Tell will start on Tuesday with Group 1 - Red group, Group 2 - Yellow etc... 

That’s all for now…. Please tell your child the secret word is “Jump” and please remind them that they can’t tell anyone else.

Take care
Jennifer Hall

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Meet the Teacher booklet notes

Meet the teacher night is on Tuesday, September 10th from 6-6:15 in the gym and 6:15-6:45
The following is the handout for that evening if you’d like to save paper.

Welcome to Kindergarten
Mrs. Jennifer Hall – teacher
Mrs. Alexandra Taylor- Designated Early Childhood Educator


Mark your calendar now for these important Kindergarten events! 

9 am in the gym 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
12:45 pm in the gym


School begins: 8:40 am
Lunch Start and End: 11:15 am / 12:28 pm
Kindergarten Dismissal: 3:03 pm

At entry and exit, please meet me at the outside door not the inside one. If your child is late for school please take them to the office to get a late slip and bring them to the classroom. 

We have Library on day 2 and day 4. I’ll let you know which day your child’s library books need to be back by.

Respect yourself and each other.
Always be kind.
You are responsible for yourself… make good choices.
Use your words and listen to your peers.
Believe in yourself.  You will get it...

Program/Reporting periods
·       The Kindergarten program is designed to be experienced over two years, from Junior to Senior Kindergarten
·       It is designed to help children build on their prior knowledge, acquire foundational skills and form positive attitudes to learning
·       All children learn at different paces and have different strengths and interests 
·       The Kindergarten program has learning expectations in many areas of learning. For additional information please visit
·       Reports take place in November/ February and June
·       Interviews are scheduled for November and February and are booked online 

·       Please pack your child’s snack separately from his/her lunch if possible
·       Lunch – please make your child aware of where they are having lunch – at home or school for attendance.
·       Please send enough food for your child for the day. They may need more.

If you are considering celebrating your child’s birthday with their classmates and want to bring in a special treat please choose one from the following items:
·       Rice Krispie Treats, Cookies (2 max), Fruit Snacks, Fruit, Cupcakes
·       Note:   ONLY nut free items please. No Candy. No  balloons. 
·       Alternatively you may consider sending in a small party favour instead as a birthday treat.

·       It’s always better to talk in person so let me know if you’d like to meet.
·       You can text me quick questions or info 647-401-3299
·       You can email me bigger questions
·       Keep up with Lambton Kingsway’s tweets @LambtonKingsway and emails from the Grade Parents
·       The school website is: 

·       help me to organize volunteer opportunities in the classroom
·       communicate through emails (please ensure that the Grade Parents have you current email address)
·       forward you school news in the LKS Bulletin

Absence NOTES/Texts
Please let teachers know via note or text if your child is ill or has an apt to leave early.
Please call the office if your plans change during the day and the office will call the classroom.  Emails and texts sent during the day are not always read, as we are busy with children.
Please call the school is your child is going to be absent     416-394-7890 


Please dress your child in comfortable clothes. We want everyone to participate..

Please make sure your child can put on and take off their clothing including shoes, boots and coats. We encourage independence.

No crocs, slippers, flip flops or slippery shoes at school please. 

If you haven’t already done so, please send in an extra set of clothing for your child just incase of an accident. Please make sure there are extra pairs of socks and a sweatshirt and indoor shoes.  All of these items will be stored in the cubby. 

Label everything that comes to school.. Shoes, clothes, lunch bags, water bottles, hats, mitts, coats… They rarely recognize their clothes.

Lost and Found……
If all else fails… lost items will eventually be put in the lost and found in the hallway. Please be sure to check it regularly.

Kindergarten is a very big year for your child’s reading development. 

There are a couple of programs all K teachers are using that will help your child learn to read. 

  1. Snuggle Up Reading Program
Read 10-15 min a day with your child. Every school day, a  Snuggle Up book bag will be sent home to practice. After reading, please ask your child to record the books read in their log-books. (Even books you read to them)  When students complete a recording booklet (reading _25_books) they will be eligible for a prize. There will be more information about this in the future.

  2.   Circle Time Activities 
Chart Poems, songs, prose and calendar reading. Throughout the year, your child’s teacher uses charts to teach sight words, and reading strategies. In our class these poems and songs are put together in a booklet and called The Circle Time Book. Every Friday this booklet comes home with new poems or songs for your child to practice singing and reciting (possibly reading) the words. This is a magical way to learn sight words.. Naturally 

  3  Jolly Phonics Reading Program. 
All of our Kindergarten teachers teach letter sounds and blending using the Jolly Phonics program. Two letter sounds are introduced each week and by the 3rd week your child will be learning to sound out words. When the program is followed and practiced, students usually learn to read quickly.   

HOMEWORK /Show and Tell/Volunteering


Read.. read… read…..connect...
I sometimes have review pages for your child to do. These are optional but your child will get a sticker on their work if they do complete and return it. 

Show and Tell
Once a week your child will have show and tell. They can bring one item to show and talk about. As a rule toys are not encouraged. Your child can also tell a story about something they experienced for their show and tell. They will be asked Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions by the students.
When the students are assigned to a group number 1-5, that number will correspond with the day they have show and tell. (if they are in group 3 then their day to present their show and tell is day 3)

·       We love our classroom volunteers!!
In order to volunteer you must have a valid Police Check
·       Forms are available in the office
·       Please hand in your form and $ at the office to be submitted.
·       Please sign in and out at the office and get a volunteer badge if you are coming to volunteer in the classroom
·       A reminder that what you see and hear in the classroom is confidential 
·       Details will be provided by your Grade Parents

If you have read all the way to the end of this please tell your child the secret word, “reading” and they will receive a prize.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019



It was great seeing you all again.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all and hearing about your summer.

Mrs Taylor our ECE . Please introduce yourself to her and feel free to ask her questions as well.

School Hours
Entry time - 8:40 am
Lunch - 11:15 am – 12:28
Dismissal time - 3:03
Please be prompt. If you are late for morning drop off, you will need to take your child to the office to sign in before coming to the class. If you are late for pick up your child will be dropped off at the office after school if I can’t keep them.

Drop off/Pick Up
Please have your child line up at the door with their backpack when the school bell rings. If your child resists coming in, please let me take their hand and help them say good-bye to you as we go in.  They will be fine.  I would call you if things weren’t fine.

Please stand outside of the playground gate when I am dismissing students to their parents or caregiver.  It makes it much safer. Also, please make sure your child has told me they see you before leaving me.
If you arrive early to drop off your child, please supervise them until a teacher is on duty in the yard. Please do not encourage your child to use the toys outside when a teacher is not present.

Some things to consider

Lunch and Snacks
No nuts are allowed at all at school.  Please make sure all food brought to school is nut free.
**Please tell your child when they are staying for lunch so we don't have to search through their knapsack and guess.

Snacks – please send at least 2 snacks for your child to eat.  These can be fruits, veggies, crackers, cheese and other simple things that they like. Please don’t send in yogurt or yogurt drinks, candy or chips for snacks. (Yogurt spills are too messy for the carpet) (Junk food will be sent home)

Please send a water bottle they can use to get a drink.  We have a tap that can be used for refills.

Clothes and Shoes
Please send in an extra set of clothing for accidents.  We are storing this set of clothes in the cubby above your child's hook. (pants, underwear, socks, shirt) Please make sure all items at school are labeled. 
If your child comes to school with foot ware other than runners, like rain boots, please send in a pair of runners to wear indoors.  I don't want your child to have to wear their boots all day. A second pair of shoes at school will be needed. They can be stored in the cubby also. Please make sure they can put on and take off these independently.


Please make sure that your child's knapsack is large enough to put their lunch, snacks and any 12 x 9 sized folder or book.
Please encourage your child to empty/fill their knapsack daily. They need to practice taking things out and putting things in.  

There are often many pages that go home during the week. The folder marked "Important Information" is for papers from the office, book orders and any notes I have for you. Please return it for any new pages that I need to give out. Filled out pages can be sent back in this folder as well.

Circle Time books

Every Friday your child will bring home a duotang with the songs and poems that your child has been learning all week.  Please take the time to read this with your child and listen to them read it. Encourage them to read it to as many people as they can. When it is returned on Monday or Tuesday your child will receive a sticker to put into the book.  (You should see how many stickers they can earn!)

Book Orders

Every month I will send home Scholastic book orders. The book orders are full of books and other things that your children will love.  I personally find that the prices of the books are very reasonable and much cheaper than in most stores.  If you are interested in purchasing books, please mark the books you want and send in a check payable to Scholastic to pay for the order. You can also pay for orders online. If you want an order as a gift, please mark the order form "GIFT" and I will wrap it up so your child does not see it.  


Mrs. Jennifer Hall

About Me

My photo
I have been teaching for 27 years and have taught most of the grades from K to 6. This is my 28th year of teaching. I am married with 2 fabulous daughters aged 21 and 23. I have a lively and sweet 4 1/2 year old Golden Retriever named Murphy and a cat named Monty. I love to go camping all summer, play with my dog, sing songs and whistle.