It was great seeing you all
again. I am looking forward to
getting to know you all and hearing about your summer.
Mrs Taylor our ECE . Please
introduce yourself to her and feel free to ask her questions as well.
School Hours
Entry time - 8:40 am
Lunch - 11:15 am – 12:28
Dismissal time - 3:03
Please be prompt. If you are late
for morning drop off, you will need to take your child to the office to sign in
before coming to the class. If you are late for pick up your child will be
dropped off at the office after school if I can’t keep them.
Drop off/Pick Up
Please have your child line up at
the door with their backpack when the school bell rings. If your child resists
coming in, please let me take their hand and help them say good-bye to you as
we go in. They will be fine. I would call you if things weren’t
Please stand outside of the
playground gate when I am dismissing students to their parents or
caregiver. It makes it much safer.
Also, please make sure your child has told me they see you before leaving me.
If you arrive early to drop off
your child, please supervise them until a teacher is on duty in the yard.
Please do not encourage your child to use the toys outside when a teacher is
not present.
Some things to consider
Lunch and Snacks
No nuts are allowed at all at school. Please make sure all food
brought to school is nut free.
**Please tell your child when
they are staying for lunch so we don't have to search through their knapsack
and guess.
Snacks – please send at least 2
snacks for your child to eat.
These can be fruits, veggies, crackers, cheese and other simple things
that they like. Please don’t send in yogurt or yogurt drinks, candy or chips
for snacks. (Yogurt spills are too messy for the carpet) (Junk food will be
sent home)
Please send a water bottle they
can use to get a drink. We have a tap that can be used for refills.
Clothes and Shoes
Please send in an extra set of clothing
for accidents. We are storing this set of clothes in the cubby above your
child's hook. (pants, underwear, socks, shirt) Please make sure all items at
school are labeled.
If your child comes to school with
foot ware other than runners, like rain boots, please send in a pair of runners
to wear indoors. I don't want your child to have to wear their boots all
day. A second pair of shoes at school will be needed. They can be stored in the
cubby also. Please make sure they can put on and take off these independently.
Please make sure that your
child's knapsack is large enough to
put their lunch, snacks and any 12 x 9 sized folder or book.
Please encourage your child to empty/fill their knapsack
daily. They need to practice taking things out and putting things in.
There are often many pages that
go home during the week. The folder
marked "Important Information"
is for papers from the office, book orders and any notes I have for you. Please
return it for any new pages that I need to give out. Filled out pages can be
sent back in this folder as well.
Circle Time books
Every Friday your child will
bring home a duotang with the songs and poems that your child has been learning
all week. Please take the time to read this with your child and listen to
them read it. Encourage them to read it to as many people as they can. When it
is returned on Monday or Tuesday your child will receive a sticker to put into
the book. (You should see how many stickers they can earn!)
Book Orders
Every month I will send home
Scholastic book orders. The book orders are full of books and other things that
your children will love. I personally find that the prices of the books
are very reasonable and much cheaper than in most stores. If you are
interested in purchasing books, please mark the books you want and send in a
check payable to Scholastic to pay for the order. You can also pay for orders
online. If you want an order as a gift, please mark the order form
"GIFT" and I will wrap it up so your child does not see it.
Mrs. Jennifer Hall
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